Saturday, November 8, 2008

Handwriting Analysis

It has been a while since I last did an event for Handwriting Analysis (known as Graphology for some). Today I did an event in Sentosa for Kaybee Group and I saw some very interesting characters over there. The most interesting person I came across was the Finance Director. Right after he wrote his name and some statement and signed his name, I was able to tell (from his very detailed and clear handwriting) that he must be a finance person. Due to his very meticulous personality, he is very well suited for the job.
Many people always wonder if handwriting really reveals so much about their personality. The truth is, on a non influenced situation, what you write really reveals who you are. Each stroke in terms of the angle, the strength, the placement in relative to other characters tells very minute detail about a person. Handwriting reveals a lot about how a person work and how they manage their task. A signature reveals a lot about a person's inner self and how they want to be treated. A simple thing to do is to compare the size of a signature with the handwriting. When the signature is smaller than the handwriting, then this person is not very confident and wants to stay within the background within a group. When the signature is a lot bigger than the handwriting, then this person is more confident and wants to stay at the front of a group. Of course, there are many other factors to consider when analysing a handwriting. But these guidelines that I have just stated are some very simple methods that are often very accurate.

There was once a client of mine requested me to do a detailed analysis of her handwriting. After the analysis, she wanted me to guide her on how to change her signature and handwriting. Her logic was that by changing her handwriting, she hope that she will be able to change her personality. I was actually very amused by her thought. The truth is, it is more effective to change a personality by directly willing to change and taking steps to change. By changing your handwriting, you may not change your personality. By changing your handwriting, you will only learn how to mask your personality via the way you write. No doubt, the change of handwriting may affect your behaviours some way or other, however in comparison, it is definitely more effective to change your personality by directly willing yourself to change than simply changing your handwriting.
Life is full of surprises and for each handwriting I read, there is always a story behind. It is like watching a new movie everytime when I read someone's life or handwriting. I guess these surprises are what generate so much passion in me towards my work.


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