Monday, August 4, 2008

Palm Reading, Feng Shui, Four Pillar Analysis: Auspicious wedding date selection

Palm Reading, Feng Shui, Four Pillar Analysis: Auspicious wedding date selection

Auspicious wedding date selection

I have been asked many times about the dos and don'ts of wedding dates selection. Thus I have decided to write additional info on the FAQ for auspicious wedding dates selection for those young new couples who are intending to get married in the coming years.

Basically, most people wonder why they should choose an auspicious date and why some fortune tellers cannot select wedding dates beyond a certain dates. All these questions are being answered in my auspicious date selection section. See below:

Horizontal lines on the fingers (strong ones)

I tend to see that some people have strong horizontal lines on their fingers or even thumb. I am talking about strong horizontal lines and not those small horizontal lines. Usually you will see only one or two in the sections of the fingers. Not everyone has it though. These lines are actually some form or obstacles towards the meaning qualities of that fingers. For example, when it is found on the tip of the last finger, then we can say that the owner has some hinderances towards their own communication abilities. If found on the tip of the thumb, then it is a hindrance towards one's will power. Below is another link that has some info about horizontal lines. You may want to check it out.